Friday, August 22, 2014

Mountaineer’s Dilemma (A Poem)

practicing my 'rhymes' :)

Life is full of options,               and we like asking questions;
Like “should I carry a heavy pack”,                  which might hurt my back;
Or climb this steep rock,                      where I could fall with a ‘smack’;

Should I use my stove to make a meal and cook,                      or just burn wood near that tiny brook?
Should I lie outdoors and graze at the stars,                 or sleep in my tent while scratching my scars,
Must I trek through bushes, trees or wood,                  or take the windy ridge and put on my hood?

Should I eat with my right hand holding a spoon,                    and share my badly cooked food with a loon?
Not that it’s a problem or that it matter,                      or maybe I myself is also a nutter;

How about bringing three warm jackets,                      all of which have super big pockets,
Or that bulky -40C sleeping bag,                               which is a big and heavy drag,
Should I wear big boots on a scree;                  Yes in fact you can use it to ski;

Does it matter if I pitch my tent on snow?                   It’s okay as long as you shoo the crow;
How about bringing one flashlight or a head torch?                 Yes, it’s better than an oil lamp that can scorch;
Or how about bringing along your loyal pet,                not good if they will always get wet;

In the cold outdoors it is hard to take a bath,               just wipe the dirty parts – it is really just like that;
The water from stream, is it safe to drink?         Just put drops of iodine so you don’t have to think;
Now, can we, may we eat insects that crawl?                 Really up to you, but your tummy might growl;
When I climb, must I sweat and stink?             It doesn’t matter, especially when you’re at the brink;

How about, long night treks, are they really boring?                 No, and better than hear people snoring;
For safety, should I bring a bolo or a knife?                 Any, sometimes either can save your life.
How about bringing a small kit for first aid?                Yes, useful like when you’re cut by a blade;
Should I bring few bullets and even a small gun?                     Maybe not, and man-  don’t forget the gun ban.

Bring dried fish, rice and three eggs?                Good for breakfast, and strengthens your legs;
Bring along my girlfriend who doesn’t like mud?          Better leave her home though I know it’s kind’a sad.
How about my ex’s and their entire family?                  No, are you crazy – you don’t want calamity!

If I get lost who should rescue me?                  Don’t worry too much if you’re with Romeo Lee.
No, I mean if I’m all alone in a far-out jungle?                          You crazy dude, don’t go solo and put your life in a dangle;

Oh, and must I try to climb at high altitude?                You should try but must have the right attitude;
If I slid down the ice should I use my axe?                   Of course, and put on crampons so you can relax;
But what if my rope partner pulled me down?                         Just stop the fall and don’t act like a clown;
And when do I know if I should quit?              Don’t think about it, don’t ever lose your wit;
But will I die trying to climb that summit?                   Don’t think much, you’ll soon reach the zenith;

So much to know, so much to learn.                Until the time, your ash goes to the urn;
These are some questions and options in the air,                      many more coming that we should all bare;
The important thing is that you live your life;               more than just clicking ‘like’ on some posts of your wife;
That we see and enjoy the beautiful sunsets;                 or listen to Awesome Mix in our old cassettes;
Perhaps spending quality time with family and kids,                 or following a new adventure quest, nobody knows where it leads;
In the end - Life is short, but life is also great;              Just follow your dreams until you reach St Peter's gate!

(the end)

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